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6 Ways To Live Your Best Life

Updated: Nov 27, 2019

Written by: Katrina Elliott

In a day and age where a large portion of Americans are working multiple jobs, raising children, experiencing health and mental issues, and other life challenges, I have noticed that individuals tend to create a variety of excuses to explain why they don’t have time to practice a healthy lifestyle.

As a single mother who has endured divorce, works full-time in higher education while also pursuing a PhD, teaching group fitness classes, choreographs dance routines and mentors the youth; I would consider myself a perfect example of “booked and busy!” But no excuses made over here.

From a very young age, I developed a disciplined lifestyle stemmed from dancing intensely for major dance companies in Los Angeles to running track competitively, earning Regional and State medals many times, while forced to incorporate healthy eating practices, daily physical fitness exercises, and mental stimulation to maintain sanity.

All around us, mental illnesses, substance abuse and suicide is on a rampage and we have to make a choice either to fight against the battle or join forces. I choose to fight!

When fellow colleagues or friends assume that I am somewhat of a “superwoman” for living such an impactful lifestyle, while continuing to look and feel amazing; I reply, “I am just like you,

with the same life challenges, problems and obstacles. I just decide to handle those very things as hurdles I like to jump over and not roadblocks that can keep traffic backed up for hours.” I know very well how difficult it is to practice good health, but which is better-- to choose good health now to live longer and happier or to fight your health later due to destructive habits?

Just like the saying, everything in the dark must come out to the light and like our health, we will have to eventually face the truth whether we want to accept it or not.

While “we” are trying our very best every day to live our best life, like the rapper Snoop Dog says, conquering our dreams and aiming for greatness, I want to leave you with six key elements to incorporate into your daily routine that will ensure an overall healthy lifestyle for you and your dependents:

1. Leave the excuses at the door. Excuses are key contributors to prevent you from reaching your full potential. While you are making an excuse not to do something that could potentially change your life for the good, you are staying in a race with no end. Let’s make it to the finish line!

2. Stay disciplined. Write down your priorities and stick to it. Whether you are tired, fearful or just flat out being lazy, create a daily agenda and keep yourself accountable.

3. Develop a daily routine. Every bad and good habit comes from practicing a routine. If you decide to eat cheeseburgers 4 days a week with a side of fries you may develop a muffin top, but instead if you decide to workout 4 days a week and eat healthy meals you will shape the body of your dreams. So practice makes perfect!

4. Spend time with friends and loved ones. People who have more of a social life and network of support tend to be happier people. Make time for the special people in your life and try to have a little fun. Life is about making new experiences and enjoying this time on earth, and not always about keeping a rigid routine with no excitement.

5. The power of “no!” Saying no sometimes is a powerful tool and will allow you to have full power of your own life. Take the driver’s seat to your life and make the cautious decision not to let people throw you off your course. You can’t always be a people pleaser. After you have allowed others to suck you completely dry, what will you have left?

6. Lastly, set personal time to do things alone. Whether it’s meditation, working out or taking yourself on a date, you need time to develop self-love. In life, we have typically allowed others to love us on their terms, while we have slowly stopped loving ourselves and I say, let’s take that control back. Self-love is a key component to a happy and healthier lifestyle and will give you longevity if practiced consistently.

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