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Music Review: Lil Nas X - 7 EP

Updated: Jun 29, 2019

Review Written By: Rekkai Steed

(Kevin Winter / Getty Images)

Is there any song that has drilled it’s way into your brain and set up residence there more than any other song in history like Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road”? A song that is #loved and #despised at the same time. I must admit, I did not like this song at first. But when I heard how Billboard did him (removed his song from #1 because it didn’t represent the elements of current #country music in their estimation), I wanted him to #WIN. To turn the #establishment on its ear and beat them at their own game for their seemingly #racist behavior.

Okay. I’m done. I’ve had enough. #Incessant. Non-stop. My kids LOVE it. That song has bore its

way into the skull of America and now the world and nestled in between #catchy tune and the buzzing of a #mosquito by your ear. With no looks of stopping on the horizon, Lil Nas X finally dropped his 8 song EP, called 7 EP. Why? It has 7 songs on it. Keep it simple. The 8th song is the come back coup de gras, the “Old Town Road” remix featuring Billy Ray Cyrus, which not only gave that song credibility in the country community but for some reason gave it verification in the Hip-Hop community. Verification of what? The african-americans' penchant at creating newness, in this instance, a new #genre of music called “#Trap Country”.

But I digress. The hardest thing about a #hit single is following it up with another hit or having the “sophomore slump”. In this case it is harder because you have the biggest song in the world, destined to almost be a one hit wonder because unless he is Beyonce, nothing he does will

achieve that level of #acclaim again. He literally caught “lightning in a bottle”. Can he do it again? My answer is No. The EP is eclectic and he jumps around to several genres but none of them seem #authentic. It seems as if he is trying to trip into another hit. Trying too hard or either just throwing something together like he did before. If the cowboy thing is working, double down. So the song “Rodeo” is lazy and soulless, but it features Cardi B. She is a strategist and they both probably figured to use their combined star power to force us into liking the 2nd single. Nope. Doesn’t work. The best thing about the song is Cardi’s verse and even then it still seems to be lacking. F9mily (You and Me) was a misstep into the rock genre. It will probably be a lukewarm Radio Disney hit.

Did you see his BET Awards performance? There is an inherent sadness in the fact that music seems to be devoid of soul these days and the posterboy of the moment is Lil Nas X. I don’t

know if Lil Nas X likes music or likes the fame and #money that he accidentally stumbled upon. It’s kind of sad really. He is still young and has time to #evolve but it will be that much harder due to having one of the all time catchy songs. Success can breed #apathy. The demand to put this album out or a follow-up single may have trumped his need to be #creative. He had to cash in immediately on the #fame before the 15 minutes were up. Could he stretch it out to half an hour? I don’t think so, but my kids will tell you they had a fantastic time on the ranch for the 15 minutes he had.

1 out of 5 crosses.

Vision Chronicles “Cross” Meter:

5 Crosses - “And Heaven and Angels sing….” This was truly anointed!

4 Crosses - “TGBTG” This endeavor was “sho’nuff” blessed!

3 Crosses - That was decent. Good-ish. The saints are pleased.

2 Crosses - Pray for Me. What made me listen to that?

1 Crosses - I can’t get that time back. Pray for them.

0 Crosses - The Devil is a Liar.

Review Written By: Rekkai Steed

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