Written By: La'Kita Stephens
When struggles seem too hard to bear
When no one special is there to care
When loneliness and depression set in
When disappointment and distrust begin
When trials of life make you feel down
When it seems like no one else is around
When trouble seems to follow you close
When heartache is what hurts the most
When “I’m doing well” is hard to say
When you feel you can’t finish the day
When burdens are heavy and friends few
When hopes and dreams are not in view
When friends and family forsake you
When the tears and fears overtake you
When faced with difficult decisions
When unsure of your intuitions
Know that God is in control and keep pressing on
And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. (Galatians 6:9)
Written By: La'Kita Stephens