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Book Excerpt: Loving the Prophetess

Updated: Jun 29, 2019

Written by: Anna-Stacia D. Haley

Synopsis: Loving the Prophetess is about a young man named Micah Williams, who turned his back on God after being hurt by the Church and losing his parents. Out of desperation, he asked God for a sign. He then meets Esther, a young #prophetess. She's unlike any Christian he's ever met before. Could she be the sign he asked for?

Excerpt from Chapter 12...

In Sunday school as kid, he’d learned that God knew all things. He even knew how many hairs were on your head and of course, Micah being who he was, asked if God knew how many arm hairs you had. The teacher told him, yes and stressed the fact that God knew everything about everyone. Although that fact had seemed cool back then, it sort of terrified him now. That meant that every time that he smoked, God was there. Every time that he drank, God was there. Every time he laid down with someone God was there.


Everything he ever did God was present for and yet when God spoke to him the other day, He didn’t mention any of it. It was as if He had ignored it.

“I didn’t ignore it, I died for it.” Micah jumped at the still, small voice. He hadn’t heard that voice in a while. He was beginning to actually believe that God had finally honored his request to be left alone.

I guess it was only a matter of time before you showed up again... Micah, still seated in his chair sat up straight and then leaned forward so that his elbows could rest on his knees. You show up at weird times. He thought.

This is My House, where else would I be?” Micah imagined God smirking at Him.

So you don’t care about anything I’ve done?

Oh I care about it all. I care, but it is as I said—I died for it. The hard part isn’t gaining My forgiveness. The hard part is letting go and that will be because you don’t know what I know about you.”

And what would that be?

“That there is nothing in this world, or the next that could ever separate you from My love. You’re too precious to give up.”

Too precious? You do know that I even ran over someone’s cat once?

“I was there.”

I’ve dinged without the ring.

“I was there for that too.” Micah wrinkled his nose.

I liked it.

“I know.”

I drink.

“I know.”

That was present tense. I actually had a bit last night and it was amazing.

“I was there too, saved your life remember? I did catch the tense by the way.”

I’ve lied.

“Nothing you can say or tell me will be new or come as a surprise to Me Micah. Come to Me. If you’re worried about changing, don’t. We do that together. It’s Me and You Micah, as it always has been and always will be. Just say you will, and I’ll do the rest.”

Micah turned his head to his left to see Rea with her hands lifted and eyes closed. He sucked in a shaky breath knowing that he was now out of excuses, and that he was out of time. He had to make a decision. He figured that after surviving last night, it shouldn’t have been hard to make that choice, but that promise to serve the Lord would last a life time, not just five minutes. It was only natural for him to run from commitment, he was Micah Williams.

The sound of an older man’s voice drew his attention. Micah looked up to where the voice was coming from and it was the platform. The man was tall and lean, with kind eyes that were filling with tears. Despite his tears, he smiled warmly at the congregation. In the weeks before he’d never seen that man. Must be new. The man inhaled softly, the sound echoed through the speakers and he waited patiently for the sounds of praise and worship to settle, until only the soft instrumental music could be heard.

“As we were worshipping I felt the Spirit of the Lord telling me to open the altar.” The man lifted one of his hands as he continued speaking. “Oh church, I just feel that He’s here and that’s He’s working on the hearts of some people in this room. So, I say to you if God has been speaking to your heart. Come. This altar is for you. We will pray with you, and pray for you.”

Micah’s heart dropped into his stomach as that fear came back, that fear of rejection. He was just beginning to break out into a sweat when someone placed their hand on his shoulder, and broke him from his stupor. He looked up to see that it was Rea. She was smiling down at him.

“I will go with you.” She whispered. He looked over her shoulder to see Esther at the altar with a few other church members, she was praying for a young woman about the same age as her. He could see Esther’s lips moving but couldn’t understand what she was saying.

“Ok.” Micah whispered. He took his sister’s outstretched hand. He blinked back tears before standing. This is it…I guess…

Written By: Anna-Stacia Haley

To purchase this novel, go to Amazon: click this link.

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