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A Lamp For The Path (PROSE)

Updated: Jun 29, 2019


Written By: Crystal Chislum

You're placed in this life on the road by God. A path not assigned by anybody but the almighty God. You're grateful at the chance or another chance to walk toward the promised destination of good days, His purpose, plan and will that lies at the end of this road...much to traverse but it'll be worth it.

What if getting off at the next exit is a very broad way...leading to death and unrighteousness.

What if hindsight recalls struggle, mistrust, heartache, loneliness and rejection...yet some feelings of shame from the past.

What if walking this road, you see unclean abandon houses, houses that are amazingly beautiful and saturated with tempting trinkets of short term pleasure or houses that have been swept clean and closed but reopened and seven more devils now occupy or even homes that have a partying atmosphere...the rooms and porches are filled gossiping, lying, meddlesome, treacherous traitors and asinine arrogant agitators waiting to destroy your confidence, reputation and mind... All of these houses try to entice, control and solicit you to occupy so you're used up and set out back in their open never satisfied sepulchre.

Then what…

The road will never be as hard as the road to Golgotha's Hill. Jesus Christ, His majesty, already walked that horrific road. His Blood was shed for our redemption of our sin. He was humiliated, executed, enticed but resisted unto death, despised and rejected of the masses, led as a Lamb for the Slaughter yet He opened not His mouth. He is the victory...He arose because there was no fault in Him. He came and tread to reunite us in with the Heavenly Father for eternity.

If God places you on the path or’s actually fail proof. You can do all things through Christ who gives you Strength. The Lord leads you beside the still waters and restores your soul. Look neither to the right or the left, but only to Him the author and finisher of your faith. Therein lies the Perfect Peace because you are mindset on Him. Lo, He will never leave or forsake us. He is with us all ways, on the road or rest area....even to the end of the road moreover, the world.

Written By: Crystal Chislum

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